Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Breast Massage for Breast Enlargement

Breast massage as a method of natural breast enlargement and breast health has actually been used for years as a means of stimulating healthy breast growth and promoting breast tone, pliability and firmness.

Breast massage is one of the best ways to help create a more beautiful bustline by helping to shape, tone and promote growth of the breast and the area surrounding the breast. Not only can moderate breast massage help to make your bustline more attractive and sometimes even grow larger, but it is also an excellent way to keep in tune to your breast health by creating awareness of any fibrous areas of possible indications of breast cancer and some have even claimed moderate breast massage can help to prevent cancer.

Breast massage has been used in beauty parlors and massage parlors, especially in Asia, as a means of healthy lymphatic drainage, breast growth promotion, and as a post operative therapy for women who have undergone mastectomies, breast surgery, or other trauma to the breast area, since it helps break down scar tissues as well as stimulate healing and tissue regeneration.

There has been much speculation that the practice of wearing a bra 12-15 hours per day by most women restricts lymph flow and healthy riddance of toxins, and apart from not wearing a bra, which is not an option for many women in today's societies, breast massage is the best way to help the lymphatic system drain these pent up toxins and help to prevent them from building up and contributing to cancer or other ailments.

By massaging the breasts on a regular basis, many women is Asia have claimed it has enhanced the shape, size and overall attractiveness of their breast, while also giving them a sense of oneness with their femininity, and promoting relaxation and peace of mind, as other methods of body massage do.

Many who practice breast massage for increased breast fullness and beauty also have utilized special herbal serums or creams formulated to further stimulate the breasts into "expanding", firming and toning, creating an overall larger look and correcting sagging, droopiness and other traits deemed unattractive by other individuals.

Believe it or not, the Thai government has recently reported it supports breast massage as a means for breast enlargement and breast health, so there really must be something to this phenomena.

Here are some guidelines for breast massage you may want to follow:

1.) Use a breast enhancing cream or lubricant - preferably a quality one with natural stimulating herbs and botanicals (see our reviews page for info on Benefil) - of your choice to help prevent friction and increase the enjoyment and relaxation of the massage for a more pleasurable and therapeutic experience. This can be an herbal mixture - there are some good ones out there that really do help to promote firmess and breast tone, while creating a larger and more rounded look.

2.) Light to moderate massaging using a gentle back and forth gentle “swishing” action is best. This can be in a counterclockwise circle around the breast to help promote maximum lymphatic drainage.

3.) To gain maximum benefit and therapeutic effects, breast massage should be practiced daily, as part of a routine - perhaps when fresh out of the shower, since the skin is still somewhat moist and the room may still be steamy, for a smoother massage which may be more easily lubricated since there will still be moisture in the air. If you prefer, even several times a day can be a great benefit. It depends on what fits into your schedule. A few minutes at a time should suffice.

Visit Breast Enhancement Pill Reviews and Comparisons for more information on the natural breast pills mentioned in this article. Danna Schneider is the founder of

Monday, February 23, 2009

Breast Enhancement

Breast enhancement, or augmentation mamoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery performed to enhance the size and shape of breasts. The chief objective in doing so is to increase the person's sex appeal.

Breast enhancement has been in the center of controversy for three decades. It is supposed to be a risky procedure, causing certain disorders in the anatomy of the person, and the debate is whether it is prudent to gamble with health for the sake of obtaining that elusive hourglass figure. That notwithstanding, it is the second-most common prosthetic procedure, and in the year 2003 itself there had been 280,401 breast implants in the US alone.

Though the debate over breast implants is a fairly contemporary phenomenon, the surgery itself is not that modern. Historical evidences show that Japanese women used to inject silicones directly into their breasts during the World War II.

Before the discovery of silicone as an implant material, other materials such as paraffin were used for breast implants. Thomas Cronin and Frank Gerow, two plastic surgeons from Houston, were the first to develop silicone as a transplant material with the Dow Corning Corporation in 1961 and the first transplant was done on a woman in 1962.

One of the chief objections in this cosmetic prosthesis is the use of silicone gel, which has been restricted as an implant material by the Food and Drug Administration in the US. Breast implants have been suspected of causing autoimmune disease, however there is no documentation to validate this fact. Known hazards of breast augmentation are asymmetry, visibility, palpability, rupture, deflation, infection, scarring, and hardening of the capsule of the implant.

The strongest objection against breast implants comes from feminist groups who view it as a subjugation of women to men to pander to their sexual desires. It is not unknown of starlets and media women who undergo such surgeries to boost their careers; and in the process, giving vent to the allocution that it is a man's world.

Breast Enhancement provides detailed information about breast enhancement, breast enhancement creams, breast enhancement pills, and more. Breast Enhancement is affiliated with Breast Enlargement Cream.